For the Love of Mud: 2015 4Wheel Drive Jamboree

For the Love of Mud: 2015 4Wheel Drive Jamboree

Things got reeeaaally dirty at this year’s 4WD Jamboree, which means it was a total success!


Last month, 4,200 mudders showed up with Jeeps and other vehicles in tow to 4WD’s Columbiana headquarters for the 17th Annual 4WD Jamboree for some serious fun, including a rock crawl, mud pit, obstacle course, and the Kentrol-sponsored Show ‘N’ Shine event. We had 1,545 Jeeps climbing, crawling, and plowing through the mud. It was a blast! In case you missed it, here are some pictures from the event! Thanks to 4WD for supplying some great shots from their album.

Jeep & Greet...

The Jamboree kicked off on Friday, Sept. 25, with a Jeep & Greet at the Sandwich Factory parking area in Columbiana.

Because Mud...

So. Much. Fun. It was amazing to see what a Jeep can climb and crawl over, but things definitely got extremely bumpy for the passengers. You will get jostled around. 4WD grabbed some great action shots from the obstacle course and the mud pit!

Photo courtesy 4WD 

Friends and Family...

Kentrol had a Rubicon on display that was detailed half and half, so attendees could take a look at two different finishes. We also gave away two door prizes: black-textured hood kits for JK. There was also plenty to keep the kiddos occupied, including go karts and CJ, 4WD's mascot.


Show 'N' Shine...

We had 94 Jeeps entered into this year’s Show ‘N’ Shine event. There were some incredible entries and the judges had a real tough time picking the winners, who took home some really cool trophies that were custom-welded from gear install parts from 4Wheel Drive Hardware’s shop. Too cool!