PA Jeeps All Breeds Jeep Show 2017 - it was an awesome Jeeping time!

PA Jeeps All Breeds Jeep Show 2017 - it was an awesome Jeeping time!

If you’re a true Jeep lover, the PA Jeeps All Breeds Jeep Show is the show for you! Since the first show in 1995, it has become one of the longest running and largest Jeep shows around!

PA Jeeps was established in July of 1992 by a small group of friends. Now the club has over 115 members, and continues to grow. PA Jeeps is a club full of true Jeep enthusiasts, many of which stopped by our booth and thanked us for coming to support the show. The PA Jeeps All Breeds Jeep Show offers a variety of family-oriented activities, from an on-site Obstacle Course and Show-N-Shine to Vendor Displays and Games.

Kentrol set up as a vendor at the show and shared booth space with Fishbone Offroad. Fishbone is a great industry partner to Kentrol, and we share a Jeep to showcase products during the show. The show was very busy! We spoke to a lot of customers about the features and benefits of Kentrol products and how they can improve the look and enjoyment of their Jeep. One of our nightly activities included getting together with the Quadratec Team. We challenged them to a game of Cornhole after learning on social media that they practiced the previous night. We won game 1, and Quadratec won game 2 before we called it a night. Team Green was lucky that we hadn’t established a 3-game series, as we would have left York, PA with the championship. We later learned that our loss came from the owner of the cornhole boards, which is a challengeable offense in the official rules.

As usual great food was being served up, the swap meet was buzzing with activity, and many drivers and their Jeeps were testing their abilities in the obstacle course area.

It was an awesome Jeeping time!